Training Cohort Testimonials

  • "The BLEA course was an experience. To have the opportunity to engage with decorated Officers in an open platform for five weeks was a revelatory one. Tackling the elephant in the room; the disconnect with Officers and community, as well as providing the students with the Officers perspective. The course featured real world situations where we were able to see mistakes made by both Officers and Civilians. The course provided us with tools on how to recognize an Officer that is not following protocol and even featured a simulator where we can have an Officer’s POV going into a live call with minimal information. The simulator provided us with the levels of anxiety, adrenaline and real danger Officers face daily. I am very appreciative to have had the opportunity to take the course and I definitely would recommend it."

    — Terrence VeaL

  • "As a professor at TSU, I was very interested in the course once I heard about it through one of the instructors. I attended all of the course sessions including the simulator which was something I had never done before. The simulator is highly recommended for students to try to understand the mind of the police officer in the field who has to make a split second decision. The guest speakers and instructors were all knowledgeable and well educated. Additionally, having the vast diversity of the classroom assisted all students and instructors with having a lively and educational discussion. I highly recommend this certificate course for anyone interested in understanding and knowing more about community police relations."

    — Gautam Nayer, Ph.D.

  • "I just completed the Black Law Enforcement Assocaition'sinaugural Positive Law Enforcement Interaction Training Program This program is very well organized. It takes people through what officers see everyday and also helps them understand how you can work with them to make the community better. I really feel like this is something everyone should participate in. Hopefully we will see you in the next class.”

    — Ray Shackelford, Houston Area Urban League